For those of you not in recovery just a heads up F.I.N.E. is a most amazing acronym. It stands for fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. A state I have found myself in a time or two.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I am Terri, I am 49 years old, getting double bachelors degrees in Sociology/Criminology and Psychology.  Yes, I know those two disciplines are very strange bedfellows but there is a method to my madness.  I want to be a judge someday, and before that a prosecuting attorney.  Since I have been on the wrong side of the Criminal Justice System and rehabilitated in spite of it, I want to be able to make some changes to it.  I think with that kind of degree I will be able to make sentencing arrangements with offenders that will not only benefit society but will hopefully help the offender to want to reform.

The last two months of my life have been INSANE, yet somehow I managed to hang on, thanks to some amazing friends.  On April 1 I left my husband of 16 years and was divorced 20 days later.  I graduated from Flathead Valley Community College on May 13 and on May 20 moved to Missoula and the dorms at the University of Montana.  WOW I get tired just reading that.

But I am now settled in my dorm and have finished my first week of summer classes.  Check back for an update on how that went.


  1. I look forward to your daily posties you know. :) ( yes I will stalk you ) Looks fantastic!! :)

  2. awesome terri, we are behind you 110%
    christine, Viciouss and Tinkerbelle

  3. luff u
    dis me Salem Lee

  4. LOVE this! You are a wise woman and WILL change the world! <3

  5. LOVE IT!!
    -Maggie Mae

  6. I think you are fantastic...and Iam so proud of you..You are the song"I am Woman "


  7. You are a brave woman and wish you all the best in your new journey!

    Michelle & The Villa

  8. The MacNCheez WUZ HERE!!! xoxoxoxoxo
