For those of you not in recovery just a heads up F.I.N.E. is a most amazing acronym. It stands for fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. A state I have found myself in a time or two.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Wow so much has happened since my last post.  Catch up time.  I have moved out of the dorms into a cute little studio apartment.  Still close to campus, but away from the institutionalization.  I am through my first semester and did just fine.  Still don't do alone well, but have made some amazing friends that do help.

I started going back to AA and NA in August, and started doing a lot of volunteer hours at the Alano club.  It has been good for me and for the club as well it seems.  In January I was voted in as House Committee Co-chair.  I am operations manager and my co-chair is the volunteer coordinator.

I still have my ups and downs sometimes managing well sometimes not so well but I am moving on.  But all in all life is good.  I have changed my mind about my major but will go into that in it's own post. 

It  has been a wild ride but one I wouldn't have missed for all the money in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to have you in my life. Keep moving along, it will take you to wonderful places.
